Nautical Ventures Awarded Dealer of the Year, Acquires Radio Show.

Published February 19th, 2016 by Bernardo

Dania Beach, FL February 2016 – Nautical Ventures has been recognized as #1 Dealer of the Year by both Buddy Davis Yachts and Century Boats. Awards were given during separate ceremonies during the Miami Boat Show. (see photos below / attached.)

Nautical Ventures Acquires The Weekly Fisherman Radio Program and Moves it to WINZ 940 AM Sports Radio.

Published January 14th, 2016 by Bernardo

or Immediate Release

Dania Beach, FL January2016 – After a successful ten-year run on CBS-owned WQAM, the widely popular Weekly Fisherman Show has found a new home and a new owner, Nautical Ventures Group.  NVG acquired the rights to the show after longtime hosts, Radio DJ Eric Brandon and Sun Sentinel Outdoors Writer Steve Waters, approached Nautical Ventures CEO Roger Moore with the idea. Moore, a longtime listener and sponsor of the show, saw an opportunity and quickly embraced the idea.


Arimar selects Nautical Ventures as exclusive North American distributor.

Published November 2nd, 2015 by Admin

Italy’s innovative manufacturer of sea life concept safety rafts, has chosen Nautical Ventures as their exclusive distributor for North America.  In Europe, Arimar has marked the transition from old-style; self-inflatable rafts packed into large, bulky case containers, into new, ergonomic designs housed in containers that are aesthetically pleasing and lightweight. 

Press Conference with Key Biscayne Police Chief Charles Press.

Published November 2nd, 2015 by Admin

Key Biscayne Police Chief, Charles Press, is on a campaign to push for safer boating in his idyllic waterfront village known as Key Biscayne.  One would assume that any law enforcement officer, yet alone one with Chief of Police status, would naturally promote the safety and well-being of their citizens.  But for Chief Press  the matter is very personal… he almost lost his daughter to a boating accident.  The backstory can be found here:

By mapping out an improved boating safety plan for his department and by raising private funds, Chief Press was able to purchase a new, innovative patrol boat and hire two full time officers dedicated to this vessel.  (Nautical Ventures was the business intermediary for the transaction to build and deliver a custom Ribcraft 7.8 professional rigid inflatable boat.)

Delivery of this vessel, along with a launching ceremony and sea trials, will be held on:


Date:               Friday May 22nd

Time:               10:00 AM

Location:         Crandon Park Marina

                        4000 Crandon Blvd.

                        Key Biscayne, FL 33149

Chief Press will be speaking at this event, providing full details of his safety program and answer questions from attending members of the press.

Nautical Ventures Will Sponsor Two Delegates From China in Unprecedented Exchange Program for Upcoming Bahamas Tournament.

Published November 2nd, 2015 by Admin

Nautical Venture Group, along with Hobie Kayak representative Doug Sparks, have spearheaded an innovative angler exchange program between the United States and China resulting in the joint sponsorship of two international Extreme Kayak Fishing Tournaments.

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