Nautical Ventures Acquires The Weekly Fisherman Radio Program and Moves it to WINZ 940 AM Sports Radio.

Published January 14th, 2016 by Bernardo

For Immediate Release

Dania Beach, FL January2016 – After a successful ten-year run on CBS-owned WQAM, the widely popular Weekly Fisherman Show has found a new home and a new owner, Nautical Ventures Group.  NVG acquired the rights to the show after longtime hosts, Radio DJ Eric Brandon and Sun Sentinel Outdoors Writer Steve Waters, approached Nautical Ventures CEO Roger Moore with the idea. Moore, a longtime listener and sponsor of the show, saw an opportunity and quickly embraced the idea.


“I’ve been a steady listener of the show and have witnessed its listening audience grow over the years,” notes Moore, an avid boater, fisherman and occasional guest of the show.  “Simply put, it’s the go-to show for fishermen who want the intel on what’s biting and where they’re biting from Stuart to the Keys.”


The show’s 2-hour format consists of live call-ins by celebrity captains who share their local fishing knowledge on what should be biting for the next several days and how to catch those fish. Between captains, listeners call in to quiz the hosts on up-to-the-minute tips, techniques, and hot spots. In the ten years this show has aired, it has never missed a broadcast.


Former MAGIC 102 & KISS Country DJ and co-host of the show Eric Brandon offered, “We have plans to expand the show to include fishing experts from other platforms, experts in related fields, and guest speakers from the industry – all designed to entertain, engage and educate our listening audience.”  An example of this is the addition of Kayak Fishing Guru Joe Hector, who will call in a kayak fishing segment every week.


The show will also have a new broadcast home – 940 WINZ, Miami’s Sports Station, an iHeartRADIO network.


“Upon learning that our CBS contract was up for review, other networks came calling,” notes Steve Waters, the Sun Sentinel’s Outdoors Writer for 25-plus years and co-host of the program. “The opportunity to join the All-Star lineup on a major sports station like WINZ was a natural fit.”


The inaugural show is slated for Saturday, January 16th at its usual time slot of 6-8 a.m. 




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